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Advanced Level I - 33 Lesson Bundle
In this series you will learn how to execute 5 direction change moves in Phase 25 that will be helpful in changing directions without breaking the flow between you and your partner and Phase 26 (Parts 1 - 7) will introduce you to a series of moves that repeat part of the count before you get to the reset point. This is often executed by the lead will connecting advanced combinations. Phase 25 (Parts 1 – 5) will allow you to change the lane direction from a north and south flow to an east and west one. Phase 25 (Part 5) will allows you to flip the lane from the home position 180 degrees behind the lady moving in the opposite direction. This means you will still be flowing north and south only you will be one full lane distance up from where you were dancing previously. All of these moves allow you to adjust to interruptions caused by other dancers who may encroach upon your lane or for the lead to protect the lady who he is dancing with from colliding with someone who is her blind spots. These combinations are rooted in the basic turn patterns for the ladies with slight modifications. In this series you will also learn how to execute 11 moves that initiate from a hard left. These combinations are rooted in the basic hard left turn patterns for the ladies with slight modifications to execute it in combination with the overall move. The lead will be taught how to hand communicate and execute each combination properly.
Phase 25 - (Part 1) Direction Change Guided 1/4
Phase 25 - (Part 2) Direction Change Guided 3/4
Phase 25 - (Part 3) Direction Change Cradle 3/4
Phase 25 - (Part 4) Direction Change Cradle 1 1/4
Phase 25 - (Part 5) Direction Change 5 6 Curl Back
Phase 26 - (Part 1) The Amy Stroll
Phase 26 - (Part 2) On 6 Triple Left Double Curl
Phase 26 - (Part 3) The Hot Spicy Tango Walk
Phase 26 - (Part 4) The Carousel
Phase 26 - (Part 5) On 6 Left 1/2 Turn Reverse
Phase 26 - (Part 6) On 6 Left Hip Stop Pop
Phase 26 - (Part 7) On 6 1/2 Reverse Left Turn
Phase 27 - (Part 1) Basic Hard Left
Phase 27 - (Part 2) Fiddler John Lovers Stroll
Phase 27 - (Part 3) Hard Left Crossing 1 1/2 Right
Phase 27 - (Part 4) Catch Release
Phase 27 - (Part 5) That There
Phase 27 - (Part 6) Hard Left Barrel Roll
Phase 27 - (Part 8) The Gerald Levert
Phase 27 - (Part 9) The Mobalizer
Phase 27 - (Part 10) Hard Left Crossbow Dip
Phase 28 - (Part 1) The Sweet Tea
Phase 28 - (Part 2) The Jelly Bean
Phase 28 - (Part 3) 1/2 Turn Hammerlock
Phase 28 - (Part 4) 1/2 Turn H lock Double Rt On 4
Phase 28 - (Part 5) 1/2 Turn H Lock Reverse Spin
Phase 28 - (Part 6) Row The Boat
Phase 28 - (Part 7) Synchronized Sweep Turn
Phase 28 - (Part 8) 1/2 Turn Travel Both Turn Rt
Phase 28 - (Part 9) Chain Reaction
Phase 28 - (Part 10) Cradle Chain Reaction
Phase 28 - (Part 11) Hip Swivel Chain Reaction